Join the coalition as an organisation

There are two membership options:

Non-profit membership: organisations such as community repair initiatives and small environmental NGOs can join free of charge (depending on your size).

For-profit membership: we ask for-profit organisations to contribute financially with an annual membership fee starting at 250€ for companies with 1-5 employees, and increasing depending on the size of the organisation: 

No. of employees in EU = yearly membership fee

1-5 = 250€

6-10 = 500€

11-25 = 2,000€

26-50 = 3,500€

51-100 = 5,000

€101+ = 7,500€

Based on the answers you give in the below form, you will either be automatically pre-approved to join the coalition, or your application will require review by the steering committee which can take up to 4 weeks.

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